Extra Hand Solar Clean

Don't Let This Happen

Job Location: Penshurst
Surrounding Suburbs: Hurstville, Beverly Hills, Hursville Grove, Mortdale, Peakhurst, Roselands, Riverwood, Oatley

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Lichen Removal and Panel Clean Project

There are thoughts around that if panels are correctly fitted on a roof of a house, on an angle of no less than 15 degrees, that they will “self-clean”. This is because some solar promoters are sprouting low running costs, and this takes away from their sales spiel.

Self-cleaning is a fallacy, there are many reasons why your solar panels need to be cleaned to obtain the best long-term running costs and overall value. In our first week of trading in 2025, here we have the proof once again that panels do in fact need to be cleaned.

Many deposits WILL and DO affect the surface of the cells, can block sun rays and have potential to damage the special glass coating. Once this glass coating is damaged, it cannot be repaired, becoming less transparent to the silicon material underneath which is trying to generate power by absorbing as much sunlight as possible.

Cleaning economically is all about the frequency and consideration of the locality where the panels are installed. It is very clear in this example; cleaning has not been done for a very long time.

If you are not sure how often, we would suggest the first clean of your new panels be done after 18 months. This cleaning frequency can then be adjusted in subsequent cleaning based on the condition of the first clean.

If you live in and around Penshurst, near to Hurstville, you will notice a large amount of beautiful trees in the area. This is the habitat for local wildlife and any naturally occurring substances and growths. This is also the perfect breeding ground for lichen which attaches itself to roof tiles, and so it happens, solar panels. We believe in an area like this, cleaning should take place AT LEAST every 2 years.

In this case, we used our on-board pure water system and special tools, safely removing the destructive naturally occurring growth, lichen, plus the other contaminants, some being less obvious, but still present none the less. All of these are reducing overall power generation, effectively costing the resident money since any shortfall in power needs to be drawn from the grid.

Below we have created a video to discuss further, we suggest you watch it and see for yourself what we see often.

Learn more about our solar cleaning and contact us today.

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